The Points Mom

Thanks Award Wallet For Reminding Me About My Free Hyatt Night


Award Wallet sent me the following email the other day…..

“According to our records the following points or miles or coupons are going to expire soon:

Program Name: Hyatt Gold Passport
Owner: Cindy Greenstein
Expiring Balance: Anniversary Award Nights – 1
Coupon Expires on: February 28, 2015″

And they were right!

With the Chase Hyatt Card you receive 1 free night every year after your cardmember anniversary at any Category 1-4 property.  I knew this but would likely not have pursued the reward as we have no time to use it.  We are too busy on the weekends.  @#%$^&@%#$  I probably would have inadvertently let it expire if not for the reminder from Award Wallet.

The reminder prompted me to act and I actually booked the night for my sister and her husband for a quick one night getaway without the kids.  They are very grateful and so am I, as my reward night did not go to waste.